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Animal Health Ireland (AHI) Hoof HealthCheck Program article on lameness in Dairy Cattle

By Published On: July 2, 2024Categories: News


AHI has included an article in their monthly newsletter outlining optimal areas to help reduce non-infectious lameness in dairy cattle. The three main areas recommended for optimisation are grazing infrastructure, the milking parlour and collecting yard, and the housing area. For grazing infrastructure, AHI highlights the importance of smooth layouts and even surfaces of roadways to reduce walking time and hoof trauma from stones or mud. Providing cows with adequate space in the parlour and collecting area also prevents slipping and excessive turns, resulting in a lower risk of injury and white-line disease. Finally, housing should have adequately sized and bedded cubicles to optimise rest. Minimising bottlenecks around the farm also reduces the incidence of lameness. 

To read the full article, please visit:


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