Our Resources

A portfolio of resources have been created by Care4Dairy to support the best practice guides and factsheets on the welfare of dairy calves, heifers, cows and end of career animals. The portfolio consists of four infographics, podcasts and videos, each available in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish and Spanish.



Four Care4Dairy infographics outlining good practice and best practice recommendations for each life stage. All infographics, except for the End of Career, highlight key recommendations for the four welfare pillars: nutrition, environment, health and behaviour on different themes. The themes were selected based on feedback from national consultations with stakeholders about the factsheets. The infographic for the End of Career Cows provides a decision-tree on euthanasia. They are available in English, French, German, Greek, Italian, Polish and Spanish.


Care4Dairy has recorded four podcasts, one per life stage. In each podcast Laura Rice interviews two guests: a Care4Dairy representative and either a farmer, farm advisor, veterinary expert or scientist. Topics for these podcasts include management strategies to reduce calf morbidity and mortality, good welfare improving cow productivity, hints and tips on cow-calf systems, and enrichment.

For translational purposes, the original transcript from the English edition was edited to simplify and clarify the conversations, and the text converted into audio. Both the audio and transcript are available for download.


Filmmaker Mario Chiarini and his team have created four short whiteboard videos for Care4Dairy, one per life stage. The topics include the calf environment in the first 21 days of life, preparation of heifers for calving, the importance of outdoor access for cows, and assessing pain in end-of-career cows. These videos are available in English, French, German, Greek, Polish and Spanish.

We have also created a Care4Dairy YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/@Care4Dairy