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Conference on Animal Welfare, Sustainability & Competitiveness

By Published On: August 16, 2023Categories: News

Source: H Blokhuis

The recording of a conference on Animal Welfare for Sustainability and Competitiveness, hosted in Sweden on 30 June 2023, is now available

There were two talks relevant to dairy cow welfare: Yves van der Stede, head of the Animal Welfare Team at the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), who presented their recent Scientific Opinions on Animal Welfare, including the recommendations for dairy cow and dairy calf welfare. Dairy cow calf contact systems were the focus of Prof Sigrid Agenäs, who presented research on the ‘Effects of keeping high yielding dairy cows together with their calves in automatic milking systems’. Her research showed multiple benefits of keeping calves with cows.


EURCAW Ruminants & Equines